I think you’ll be happy with this news about our efforts and our successes on your behalf – in support of religious liberty and family values.

Earlier today, we hosted one of our “State Street Briefings” – a luncheon series for lawmakers, Capitol staffers, attorneys and others who influence policy. Today, our focus was on religious liberty and free speech, especially on college campuses. There’s a cultural battle going on there, as you can well imagine, and our Independence Law Center is taking a stand.

After the luncheon, our chief counsel Randy Wenger, and our luncheon speaker, Casey Mattox of the Alliance Defense Fund joined me for a discussion at our office, strategizing how we might further the goal of religious liberty for Christian students (and all others) at Pennsylvania’s colleges and universities. The Independence Law Center has been already been active on this front, challenging a number of these institutions to correct restrictive, unconstitutional policies that violate religious liberty.

Lo and behold, not ten minutes after Casey our office, the postman delivered the mail, and included in it was a letter from the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, informing us that they understood and accepted our concerns, and they were correcting the unconstitutional policies in place at two of their schools.

This means that Christian students (and others) can now feel free to express themselves on faith and controversial issues on campus, without fear that they’re violating a policy designed to impose political correctness.

It’s been said that “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” I thank God for this victory, and for the work of Randy Wenger and the Independence Law Center for being vigilant and proactive.

Thank you, too, for all who support us, and make this work possible.