In the capitol rotunda today, the first couple of steps behind Senator Leach’s podium held a variety of faces.  The ones introduced were an older gay couple, a younger lesbian couple with their child, and a college girl whose mother became a lesbian thirteen years ago.  There were brightly colored signs and rainbow flags that read similar sayings like “Stop the Hate” or “Legalize Marriage.”  Cheers would echo in the rotunda of the capitol when the speaker’s voice rose, hinting that the next phrase will be important.  Meanwhile cameramen were creating a semi-circle around the group, filming the words and faces in action as the people behind the podium demanded what they believe is “right.”

It’s human nature, we fight for what we believe to be right. 

In the same way, we have a government to help guide people to do right and to practice good morals.  So when same-sex couples are not legally recognized as married by the government, this is because the government is holding the people to a standard of marriage according to what is right.  It is not hate.  Homosexuals are not hated by those who want to protect marriage as between husband and wife.

Our “wants” can be a scary thing.  If we had this magical “fair world,” meaning people should be able to do what they want, then this world would be chaotic.  If people could always do what they wanted to do, then the system of government would not exist.  If we continue to twist the government to believe that our wants should always be pleased, then by what foundation and truth will we be judging our state?  If the homosexual “movement” is proposing that the foundation and truth we live by is our wants, then how does government protect anything?

Senator Leach said that there is “no rational argument” against same-sex marriage.  But is it irrational to say that there is a right and a wrong?  He claims that we are not being “competitive with other states,” when only four other states have just recently recognized same-sex marriage and two by activist court order!

Right now, the fight over whether homosexual couples should be able to marry or not is about Pennsylvanians (and all Americans) deciding what is right and what is wrong.  This is not about discrimination or fairness.  It is about the truth of life by which we will choose to govern and judge our actions.  In the end, this fight will determine what our state believes is right.