On the heels of years of litigation, where the government-school conglomerate tried to shut down “cyber charter schools” – is it now a case of “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”??

Pennsylvania’s largest teachers union, the PSEA, is boasting that it won the right to unionize teachers at a (once-dreaded) cyber charter school.

So I guess cyber-charter school is “real school” now and not some backwoods cousin?   Or is it all about the DUES?

Of course, the lawsuits were really about shutting down the competition (really a good case for parental school choice), akin to McDonald’s trying close down a nearby Burger King – or Sheetz trying to prevent the opening of a Wawa or CoGo’s or Turkey Hill!

Take note: cyber charter schools are popular with parents. There are 11 cyber charter schools in PA with combined enrollment of about 50,000 students.