An assessment of services by Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania over the past few years leads to one question: Why do we continue to fund their operations? Their model is clear: Abortion is their priority, basic services are declining and there are better options providing more comprehensive women’s health care.
Facts & Sources:
Planned Parenthood is voluntarily closing facilities in Pennsylvania that do not bring in substantial revenue from abortion services while government funding has actually increased.
- Planned Parenthood has voluntarily closed one-third of their Pennsylvania locations since 2013.
- Bristol (2017), Carlisle (2013), Chambersburg (2016), Collegeville (2013), Easton (2017), Gettysburg (2016), Hanover (2014), Philadelphia – Chestnut Street (2016), Red Lion (2016), Scranton (2016), St. Davids (2015), Stroudsburg (2017).
- All but one of these locations (Easton) did not perform abortions on-site. And their Easton location was the lowest count for abortions.
- Taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood affiliates in Pennsylvania
- 2012: $3,192,852
- 2016: $3,532,928
- Source: Form 990 – Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania, Planned Parenthood Keystone, Planned Parenthood Western Pennsylvania.
Planned Parenthood overall basic services in Pennsylvania are in decline.
- Patients: down over 24,000 (2014-2016)
- 2014 Annual Report: 114,105 patients
- 4/26/17 Press Release, Planned Parenthood PA Advocates: “Planned Parenthood last year served about 90,000 patients.”
- STD testing: down 52,000 (2014-2016)
- 9/22/15 – “Planned Parenthood provided 205,000 screenings for sexually transmitted diseases.”
- 2015 Annual Report: 152,694
- Cervical cancer screenings: down 3,000 (2014-2015)
- 2014 Annual Report: 12,203
- 2015 Annual Report: 9,332
- Breast exams: down 7,000 (2014-2016)
- 9/22/15 – “Planned Parenthood provided 18,000 breast wellness exams.”
- 4/26/17 – “Planned Parenthood last year provided 11,000 breast wellness exams.”
Despite politicians claims, several services are nonexistent at Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania, including no prenatal care and no mammograms.
- Planned Parenthood was actually caught falsely advertising prenatal care as an available service until they were called out. They subsequently removed the service from their website. View source
- Governor Wolf – 4/27/17 email: “The sponsor of a bill to defund Planned Parenthood seems to have no idea why women need affordable access to cancer screenings, contraception, and prenatal services…”
- State Representative Leanne Krueger-Braneky – 4/26/17 tweet: listed Planned Parenthood services including “prenatal care.” View source
- Not one Planned Parenthood location in Pennsylvania is even licensed to perform a mammogram.
Pennsylvania’s Community Health Centers (federally-qualified) serve more women with comprehensive health care services that are not motivated by direct profits from abortion.
- Community Health Centers have more than 300 sites in 52 counties throughout Pennsylvania and serve 800,000 individuals. View source
- Community Health Centers cover an array of services, including primary health care, behavioral health, pediatrics and prenatal care, dental care and pharmacy offering prescription drugs at a reduced price. They also offer sliding fees based on income and family size. View source
Take action:
Use PA Family Council’s Citizen Action Center to tell your State Senator and State Representative to support Senate Bill 300 and House Bill 1542, which would reallocate funding away from entities providing abortion in Pennsylvania and invest in those providing better and more comprehensive women’s health care: