- Adoption
- Alternatives to Abortion
- Caring for the Elderly
- Counseling
- Creation/Evolution
- Day Care
- Disabled
- Education: Christian Schools
- Education: Homeschooling
- Education: Public Education
- Employment/Career Assistance
- Euthanasia/Physician Assisted Suicide
- Family Policy Groups
- Finances
- Gambling
- Homeless
- Homosexuality
- Inmates and Their Families
- Inner Cities/Urban Ministries
- Keeping Informed
- Marriage and Divorce
- Media
- Mens Concerns/Fatherhood
- Parenting
- Popular Music/Youth Culture
- Pornography
- Pro-Life Policy Groups
- Public Policy Issues
- Religious Liberty
- Runaway and Missing Children
- Sex Education
- Single Adults
- Spiritual Training
- Substance Abuse
- Taxes/Government
- Womens Concerns/Motherhood
- Youth
Adoption by Choice: Women’s Care Center of Erie, PA
The center is a licensed adoption agency, which is funded by private donations. They also provide housing for unwed mothers before and after delivery and counseling.
Bethany Christian Services
Bethany offers pregnancy and adoption counseling. They also offer a national 24-hour crisis pregnancy hotline, 1.800.BETHANY.
National Council For Adoption
The NFCA assures the well being of adoptable children, birth parents, and adoptive families by promoting professionally sound adoption policy and practice.
Holt International Child Services
This organization specializes in overseas adoptions.
Adoption Related Services, Inc.
ARS is a full service domestic and international adoption agency located in York, Pennsylvania, licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Welfare, Office of Children, Youth and Families.
Medical Institute for Sexual Health
The Medical Institute seeks to improve lives by enabling individuals to make informed, responsible decisions regarding sexual behavior and its effects on their health and well being.
Alternatives to Abortion
Loving and Caring, Inc.
Loving and Caring, Inc. is a pro-life ministry offering pregnancy and abortion counseling, resources, training, and affirmation.
Birthright International
Birthright International is dedicated to helping any girl or woman regardless of age, race, and creed, marital or economic status, who feels distressed by an unplanned pregnancy.
Care Net is a Christian ministry assisting and promoting the evangelistic, pro-life work of pregnancy centers in North America.
Heartbeat International
Heartbeat International is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian association of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and nonprofit adoption agencies that seek to create an environment where every human heart is cherished and protected — within the womb and within strong families.
Caring for the Elderly
National Association for Homecare
NAHC is the nation’s largest trade association representing the interests and concerns of home care agencies, hospices, home care aide organizations, and medical equipment suppliers.
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
N4A is an organization that helps seniors across the country. They connect volunteers to those in need by supplying a variety of programs ranging from information and referral/ assistance to meals on wheels.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family and Dr. James Dobson is dedicated to strengthening the home. They produce radio programs, magazines, books, and other resources aimed at building up the family.
Community Marriage Policy
Dr Talley works to reduce the number of divorces among married couples. He also offers other services that focus on assisting those in broken relationships.
Christian Marriage Enrichment
Dr Wright offers books, tapes, and seminars for pre-married and married couples, focusing on communication skills and areas that help marriages to grow in Christ-likeness.
Insight Christian Counseling
Insight Christian Counseling is a biblical counseling ministry which provides counseling to individuals, couples, and families.
Creation/ Evolution
Institute for Creation Research
ICR offers seminars, conferences, debates, various other speaking engagements, creation science workshops, radio/tv outreach, graduate school in the sciences, museum of creation and earth history, creation research, guided tours to areas of geological interest, books, videos, and other publications.
Access Research Network
ARN focuses on such controversial topics as genetic engineering, euthanasia, computer technology, environmental issues, creation/evolution, fetal tissue research, AIDS, and so on. Through our publications and product offers, we give you the information you need to orient yourself in today’s scientific and technological world and make informed decisions.
Discovery Institute
Discovery Institute’s mission is to make a positive vision of the future practical. The Institute discovers and promotes ideas in the common sense tradition of representative government, the free market and individual liberty.
Creation Science Ministries
Creation Science Ministries seeks to provide scientific evidence of the Biblical account of Creation to audiences of all dynamics.
Day Care
“Day Cares Don’t Care”
This Web site contains extensive documentation of the problem with child day care centers. It promotes the traditional family by challenging society’s prevailing assumptions that “approved” day care centers are the best option for young children.
Joni and Friends
A Christian ministry whose purpose is to bring together disabled people and local congregations through evangelism, encouragement, and education.
Education: Christian Schools
Keystone Christian Education Association
The KCEA has been providing a vital service to churches and Christian schools across the Keystone State since 1974. The effectiveness of the church, schools and childcare ministries, and families is our full-time interest.
PA Catholic Conference
The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference is the public affairs arm of Pennsylvania’s Catholic bishops and the Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania.
Christian Educators Association International
CEAI is a networking organization formed to support Christian Educators and to equip them with the tools they need to have an influence on Americas’ youth.
National Association of Christian Educators/ C.E.E.
NACE/CEE has worked with Christians and conservatives to restore Academic excellence and traditional moral values to the public schools. We also provide tools to help strengthen and nurture Christian families at home.
Association of Christian Schools International
The A.C.S.I. goal is to enable Christian educators and schools worldwide to effectively prepare students for life.
Discover Christian Schools
Discover Christian Schools is a website that introduces parents to the world of Christ-centered education. You’ll find all the information you need to make a wise decision that will impact your children for eternity.
Christian Schools International
Christian Schools International is a dynamic and growing organization of Christian Schools around the globe. You can find well-prepared teaching materials, thoughtful employee benefit plans, information about school administration practices, and a Christian school for your children.
Education: Homeschooling
Christian Homeschool Association of PA
CHAP is an acronym for Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania, a nonprofit corporation founded to encourage and support families interested in home education.
PA Homeschoolers
They offer support and activities for homeschooling families in Pennsylvania, as well as markets resources and publishes a quarterly magazine.
Homeschool Legal Defense Association
HSLDA a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. HSLDA is tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.
Education: Public Education
REACH Foundation
The REACH (Road to Educational Achievement Through Choice) Foundation and its sister organization the REACH Alliance are Pennsylvania’s grassroots coalitions dedicated to ensuring parental choice in education.
Public Education Network
There goal is to build public demand and mobilize resources for quality public education for all children through a national constituency of local education funds and individuals.
Center for Education Reform
The Center for Education Reform (CER) creates opportunities for and challenges obstacles to better education for America’s communities.
Gateways to Better Education
They are a national organization dedicated to helping public school students and educators gain a better understanding of and appreciation for the value and contributions of Christianity to society and the world. To support the achievement of this mission, we provide a variety of timely and valuable resources to assist you.
Released Time Christian Education
Christian Released Time Education: Christ-centered Bible instruction to kids in the public school during the school day.
Employment/Career Assistance
Christian Business Men’s Committee
Fellowship opportunities and networking for Christian Businessmen.
Intercross provides a connection between Christian employers and Christian job hunters so both can fulfill their Kingdom purpose.
Euthanasia/ Physician Assisted Suicide
Patients Rights Council
Addressing the issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide, advance directives, assisted suicide proposals, “right-to-die” cases, euthanasia practices in the Netherlands, disability rights, pain control and much, much more.
National Right to Life Committee, Inc.
The ultimate goal of the National Right to Life Committee is to restore legal protection to innocent human life. The primary interest of the National Right to Life Committee and its members has been the abortion controversy; however, it is also concerned with related matters of medical ethics which relate to the right to life issues of euthanasia and infanticide.
Family Policy Groups
American Policy Roundtable
Alabama Policy Institute
Center For Arizona Policy
Arkansas Family Council
California Family Council
Colorado Family Institute
Family Institute of Connecticut
Florida Family Policy Council
Georgia Family Council
Hawaii Family Forum
Cornerstone Family Council
Illinois Family Institute
Indiana Family Institute
The Family Leader
The Family Foundation
Louisiana Family Forum
Christian Civic League
Maryland Family Alliance
Massachusetts Family Institute
Michigan Family Forum
Minnesota Family Institute
Mississippi Center for Public Policy
Montana Family Foundation
Family First
New Hampshire
Cornerstone Action
New Jersey
New Jersey Family Policy Council
North Carolina
North Carolina Family Policy Council
North Dakota
North Dakota Family Alliance
Citizens For Community Values
Stronger Families For Oregon
South Carolina
Palmetto Family Council
South Dakota
South Dakota Family Policy Council
Family Action Council of Tennessee
Liberty Institute
The Family Foundation
Family Policy Institute of Washington
West Virginia
Family Policy Council of West Virginia
Wisconsin Family Council, Inc.
Crown Financial Ministries
Equipping people worldwide to learn, apply, and teach God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him, and help fund the Great Commission.
National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling
The NCALG will provide resources to assist citizens in making an informed decision that all forms of legalized gambling are detrimental to the economic, political, social and physical well being of individuals, the community and the nation.
Bethesda Mission
The Mission serves as a shelter for the homeless in Harrisburg. They provide beds and meals and offer a youth program.
City Mission
1023 French St
Erie, PA 16512
The mission provides shelter for the homeless, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, job training, tutoring, and recreation for disadvantaged youth.
Light of Life Missions
Light of Life Rescue Mission is a Christian agency dedicated to serving homeless and needy people of Southwestern Pennsylvania by providing food, shelter and hope through a continuum of outreach and residential programs.
Water Street Rescue Mission
We offer a variety of services that provide structure, stability, security, self-discipline, and hope.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat is an organization that works to build homes that needy families can purchase.
International Union Of Gospel Missions
They work to promote cooperation among missions, and set up a system to help poorly run missions maximize their ability.
Desert Stream A. R. M.
Desert Stream is a local, national, and international ministry proclaiming the transforming power of Jesus Christ.
Exodus International
Exodus is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization promoting the message of “Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.”
Spatula Ministries
Spatula Ministries of San Diego is a “Bridge of Hope,” a care group open to parents and families of homosexuals and lesbians.
National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality
NARTH is a medical think tank on the issues that face society as a whole.
Focus on the Family: Love Won Out
Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that homosexuality is preventable and treatable — a message routinely silenced today. They want people to know that individuals don’t have to be gay.
Inmates and Their Families
Prison Fellowship/Justice Fellowship
They bring the joy of Christ into the prisons, as well as to the prisoners and victims of crime.
Bill Glass Champions for Life
Champions for Life is unique because we equip Christians for front-line evangelism and immediately put the soldiers for Christ on the front line in the world’s cities, schools and prisons.
International Prison Ministry
IPM’s goal is to provide easy access for inmates and their families to get effective help from the prison ministries which best serve their needs. They can find counseling services in their area, or they can locate a ministry to request literature, Bible study courses or simply request prayer support
Jubilee Ministries
Their mission is to show the love of God to the economically disadvantaged by helping to meet their physical, emotional, and material needs regardless of race, color, creed, age, or gender. Also, to provide Christian discipleship to those incarcerated or in after-care programs who are committed to seeking reconciliation with God and establishing a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Inner Cities/Urban Ministries
Child Evangelism Fellowship
CEF’s goal is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation
Its vision is to identify, initiate, and support the programs which will ultimately produce reformation of our values and convictions in the city as well as address immediate human needs.
John M Perkins Foundation
The JMPF’s goal is to raise up, nurture and equip leadership who will completely minister to the poor through communicating biblical truth to achieve the building of community through reconciliation, relocation and redistribution.
National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise
The mission of the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise is to empower neighborhood leaders to promote solutions that reduce crime and violence, restore families, revitalize low-income communities, and create economic enterprise.
The Urban Alternative
The Urban Alternative is a Christian ministry that seeks to equip, empower and unite Christians to impact individuals, families, churches and communities for the rebuilding of lives from the inside out.
Keeping Informed
Citizen Magazine
Citizen is a monthly magazine by Focus on the Family that keeps citizens up to date on political and cultural issues.
Hillsdale College publishes this newsletter to deal with education, government, and economic issues.
Family In America/Chronicles Magazine
Chronicles Magazine focuses on issues that are affecting the family. It is written from a “paleoconservative” view and addresses American culture, published by the Rockford Institute.
Family Issues Alert
This fax is a news update on national events that affect Christian families. It includes suggestions for taking actions.
These publications contain comments by Chuck Colson on issues of the day. They are thought-provoking and help to explain today’s cultural changes.
Family Voice
Concerned Women for America’s newsletter, it focuses on political issues.
Insider Newsletter
The Insider publishes information on research of current issues by Heritage and other think tanks.
Family Research Council Newsletter
This is a four page newsletter published by the Family Research Council that covers legislative news in Washington D.C. The ‘Update’ is a daily E-mail on the latest family-related policy issues.
Americans United for Life
AUL publishes a monthly newsletter to keep the public aware as to what is happening in the pro-life movement.
In Flight
This is the Dove Foundations quarterly newsletter. It covers movies that are suitable for family viewing.
AFA Journal
This is journal produced by the American Family Association serves as a ‘watchdog’ on media, pornography, and obscenity issues.
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage Savers INC.
They establish a Community Marriage Policy® (CMP) in cities and towns throughout the United States and Canada, in which pastors, priests and rabbis join together to strengthen marriages with the conscious goal of pushing down the community’s divorce rate.
National Marriage Project
The mission of the National Marriage Project is to provide research and analysis on the state of marriage in America and to educate the public on the social, economic and cultural conditions affecting marital success and child wellbeing.
MasterMedia International
Mastermedia is a nonprofit media organization committed to serving media leaders with professional consulting regarding America’s Christian market and personal counsel concerning issues of faith.
Accuracy in Media
They work as a media watchdog, investigating complaints of serious media misdeeds, publicizing the most serious cases and mobilizing public pressures to bring remedial action.
Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress.
Values Through Media
Cal Thomas is America’s the most widely syndicated op-ed columnists and is one of the most highly regarded voices on the American political scene.
The Dove Foundation
They review movies to identify those that are safe for family viewing. They publish a newsletter and a list of ‘Dove approved’ titles which they update quarterly.
American Family Association
The AFA is a Christian organization promoting the Biblical ethic of decency in American society focusing primarily on indecency on TV and in Hollywood.
Mens Concerns/Fatherhood
National Fatherhood Initiative
NFI’s mission is to improve the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children growing up with involved, responsible, and committed fathers.
Dad the Family Shepherd
Dad the Family Shepherd seeks to support the local church by motivating and equipping men to live the Biblical values of fathering.
Promise Keepers
Promise Keepers is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to introducing men to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord; and then helping them to grow as Christians.
National Center for Fathering
The mission of the National Center for Fathering is to improve the well being of children by inspiring and equipping men to be more effectively involved in the lives of children.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
They provide resources to help keep parents and youth leaders up to date on what is going on inside the ‘Youth Culture”.
Family Life
The Family Manifesto was written to respond to a growing need to define God’s timeless principles for the family. It confronts and challenges the popular definitions of a family offered in today’s culture.
Family Life Communications Inc.
FLCI is dedicated to preventing and restoring broken relationships through radio programs, biblically-based counseling, parenting, and marriage seminars.
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family and Dr. James Dobson is dedicated to strengthening the home. They produce radio programs, magazines, books, and other resources aimed at building up the family.
Popular Music/Youth Culture
Menconi Ministries
Al Menconi Ministries is an evangelical, non-denominational para-church ministry. Our mission is to educate and equip Christian parents and leaders to communicate biblical values in the home and church.
Focus On The Family Youth Culture Department
FOTF’s youth department offers information for children through teens as well as materials that will help them grow and materials that will help youth leaders and parents.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers.
Strengthen the Family
Citizens for Families, is a non-profit organization that seeks to strengthen families and protect communities by helping them establish child-appropriate public display standards.
National Law Center for Children and Families
The mission of the National Law Center for Children and Families is to reduce sexual violence and victimization of children, women, and families by eliminating child pornography and removing illegal adult pornography from the open market.
Morality In Media
Morality In Media is a national, not-for-profit, interfaith organization established in 1962 to combat obscenity and uphold decency standards in the media.
Enough Is Enough
Lighting the way to protect children and families from the dangers of illegal Internet pornography and sexual predators.
Pro-Life Policy Groups
Pro Life Union of SE PA
The Pro Life Union of Southeastern Pennsylvania promotes the sanctity of human life in all of its forms
PA Pro Life Federation
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation is committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection for the unborn.
National Right to Life
The ultimate goal of the National Right to Life Committee is to restore legal protection to innocent human life.
Americans United for Life
Americans United for Life (AUL) defends human life through vigorous legislative, judicial, and educational efforts, state by state.
Public Policy Issues
Commonwealth Foundation
They are a non-profit, non-partisan public policy think tank committed to broad based approaches to expanding economic growth as well as promoting strategies for revitalizing our democratic institution.
Cato Institute
They are a public policy research organization with the mission of expanding civil society.
Concerned Women for America
The largest nonpartisan, politically active women’s organization in America, they were founded as an alternative to the feminist movement.
Empower America
Empower America is a part of Freedom Works. Freedom Works fights for lower taxes, less government and more economic freedom for all Americans.
Family Research Council
The FRC monitors policies that affect the family. They publish a variety of resources including books and policy updates.
Free Congress Foundation
They are a conservative traditional values think-tank. They train grass roots activists and publish policy statements on current issues.
The Heritage Foundation
They are a non-partisan policy research institute dedicated to the principles of free competitive enterprise, limited government, individual liberty, and a strong national defense.
Eagle Forum
They supply resources on national issues of education, feminism, and family. They also produce the “Education Reporter”, a monthly newspaper.
National Association of Evangelicals
The mission of NAE is to extend the Kingdom of God through a fellowship of members, churches, organizations, individuals, etc. by demonstrating the unity of the body of Christ by standing up for biblical truths.
Rockford Institute
They seek to be a leading force in renewing principles that sustain a free society through research, publications and conferences. They influence moral and intellectual forces that shape social and cultural trends.
The Plymouth Rock Foundation
The foundation is a major expositor of how biblical principals of self and civil government offer positive solutions to contemporary issues.
Institute for American Values
The Institute is a private, nonpartisan organization devoted to contributing intellectually to the renewal of marriage and family life and the sources of competence, character, and citizenship.
Toward Tradition
They are a non-profit educational organization working to advance our nation toward the traditional Judeo-Christian values that defined America’s creation and became the blueprint for her greatness.
American Policy Roundtable
Their goal is to restore traditional Judeo-Christian principles to American public policy while remaining independent from all other groups; political or otherwise.
Religious Liberty
Independence Law Center
The Independence Law Center seeks primarily to educate both our adversaries and government officials, including assistance in drafting legislation and policies. However, we are ready to litigate in order to restore and defend self-evident truth.
Alliance Defense Fund
The Alliance Defense Fund is a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation.
American Center for Law and Justice
The ACLJ provides legal defense and advocacy on religious liberty and sanctity of life issues.
Center for Law and Religious Freedom/ Christian Legal Society
The Center’s primary mission is to defend and advance the religious freedom of all Americans.
Rutherford Institute
The Rutherford Institute is a civil liberties organization that provides free legal services to people who’s constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated.
Runaway and Missing Children
Teen Canteen
The first drop-in center of its kind in Hollywood, Teen Canteen assists homeless and runaway youth. While here, youth are treated as unique, valuable individuals who deserve advocacy, education, and guidance to promote self-sufficiency.
Covenant House
Covenant House is the largest privately-funded childcare agency in the United States providing shelter and service to homeless and runaway youth.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
NCMEC was established in 1984 as a private, nonprofit organization to provide services nationwide for families and professionals in the prevention of abducted, endangered, and sexually exploited children.
Sex Education
Molly Kelly – Center for Learning
Molly Kelly speaks on the issue of teen abstinence. Her books, teaching manuals, and videos can be ordered through the Center of Learning Co.
Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services
Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services seeks to meet the emotional, spiritual and material needs of women and men unprepared for pregnancy.
Best Friends Foundation
Best Friends is a school based character-building program for girls that begins in the sixth grade and continues until high school graduation.
Choosing the Best
Choosing the Best has been a leader in abstinence Sex education curricula, training, and resources since 1993. Their program is medically based to promote healthy relationships.
Respect INC.
Respect INC. teaches an abstinence-based education that is based on every day facts of life, covering pregnancy, STD’s and relationship problems that come from premarital sex.
True Love Waits
True Love Waits is an international campaign that challenges teenagers and college students to remain sexually abstinent until marriage.
Created by Life
Way Christian Resources—the world’s largest provider of religious products and services.
Josh McDowell Ministry
The “Why Wait?” campaign is geared toward giving teens the positive reasons to say no to sexual pressures. They have numerous resources for parents and teens.
Teen Aid
Teen Aid is a non-profit organization started in 1981 for the specific purpose of reducing out-of-wedlock teen pregnancies and their many consequences.
National Abstinence Clearinghouse
They help to provide a central location where character, relationship, and abstinence programs, curricula, speakers, and materials can be accessed.
Single Adults
Campus Crusade for Christ
Trying to reach college students and show them the life that they can have with a relationship with God. The mission of Campus Crusade for Christ is to turn lost students into Christ-centered laborers.
Coalition for Christian Outreach
The Coalition for Christian Outreach is a college ministry that works cooperatively with colleges, universities and churches to help them guide students through these critical years of their lives.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
The Purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture and God’s purposes in the world.
Single Life Resources
A ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ helps in equipping singles to live dynamic, godly lives.
Spiritual Training
Coral Ridge Ministries
CRM’s three-fold mission is to evangelize, nurture Christian growth through biblical instruction, and act in obedience to the Cultural Mandate by applying the truth of Scripture to all of life, including civic affairs. CRM exists to help hurting people find Christ, know Him, and apply their newfound faith to the world around them.
Walk Through the Bible Ministries
Walk Thru the Bible has been called by Jesus Christ to partner with the local church to be a worldwide catalyst for discipleship. Through the creation and distribution of reproducible, cutting-edge, and user-friendly Biblical teaching, training, and tools for lasting life change.
Institute in Basic Life Principles
Help in finding lasting solutions to personal problems, marriage pressures, financial bondage, and parent-teen conflicts.
Substance Abuse
All About Counseling
This site is about providing helpful information on counseling and social issues, and having a place for people to express themselves in those areas.
Coalition for Addictive Diseases SW PA/CLEAR
CLEAR, formerly named the Coalition for Addictive Diseases (COAD) was formed in 1979 in the midst of the widespread concern over the growing epidemic of teenage alcohol and drug addiction in the 1970s.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving MADD
MADD’s mission is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking.
The mission of the Adolescent Wellness and Reproductive Education Foundation (AWARE) is to educate and empower adolescents to make responsible decisions regarding their wellness, sexuality and reproductive health.
Teen Challenge
Teen Challenge is the largest most successful substance abuse rehab program. Offers live in programs for men and women who know that they need to find Jesus if they are to live a real life.
Taxes/ Government
Americans for Tax Reform
ATR leads the fight to continue to bring tax relief to Americans, and works to stop new avenues of taxation.
Citizens Against Government Waste
CAGW is a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization nationwide with a mission is to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in the federal government.
Commonwealth Foundation
The Foundation is an independent, non-profit research and educational institute that develops and advances public policies based on the nation’s founding principles of limited constitutional government, economic freedom, and personal responsibility for one’s actions.
Heartland Institute
Heartland’s mission is to help build social movements in support of ideas that empower people.
PA Leadership Council
225 State St
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Womens Concerns/Motherhood
Beth Shalom
47 N Lime St.
Lancaster, PA 17608
The center offers help to single mothers with job training and parenting assistance.
Family Life
Family Life offers parents practical, Biblical principles for improving a woman’s relationship with God, her mate, and her children.
Love, I.N.C.
LOVE, I.N.C. works to support Christians in bringing God’s love and care into our communities by mobilizing churches to meet the unmet needs of individual and families.
Moms In Touch
Moms In Touch International, is two or more moms who meet for one hour each week to pray for their children, their schools, their teachers, and administrators.
The Christian Working Woman
The purpose of The Christian Working Woman is to equip and encourage Christians in the workplace to love Christ more and to demonstrate this love by applying biblical principles to their lives and utilizing their gifts and abilities to build His kingdom.
Young Life
Young Life organizes Christian Clubs and camp experiences to provide youth fellowship opportunities.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. They offer sports camps, a monthly magazine, and campus Bible study groups.
Mel Blount Youth Home
Our mission is to provide youth with programs where they will have a healthy environment to learn, work, play and develop a sense of responsibility, love and respect for one another.
New Day, Inc.
New Day Inc. is a Christian social ministry to troubled youth and their families.
Pittsburgh Youth Network
A branch of the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation, they focus on reaching youth on behalf of the churches. They also focus on training young people to be future youth leaders.
Youth Family Guidance
Family Guidance, Inc. exists to bring hope and a future in Jesus Christ to vulnerable children and families of all cultures throughout western Pennsylvania.
Youth for Christ
YFC creates programs to help young people develop balanced lives. Campus life is focused at the local level where students come together in informal weekly meetings.
Youth Specialties
Youth Specialties is committed to providing quality resources, training, and encouragement for youth workers in churches and other youth-serving organizations throughout North America and the world.
Athletes in Action
Athletes in Action, exists to boldly proclaim the love and truth of Jesus Christ to those uniquely impacted by sport worldwide by winning, building, and sending athletic influencers.
Youth with a Mission
YWAM is an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to presenting Jesus to this generation and to training and equipping believers in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Teen Pact
Teen Pact is a comprehensive leadership experience that challenges students to grow both personally and spiritually.