Pennsylvania Family Council is advocating for passage of new state legislation – House Bill 2050 – that would protect unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome. We want to help show elected officials and the general public that there are people with Down syndrome right here in Pennsylvania that are valued members of our community – and deserve respect by passing this new legislation.
New Photo Series: We are seeking entries for a new photo series to aid advocacy efforts for this new state legislation that would end the selective targeting of individuals with Down syndrome. To submit an entry, email Dan at or call 717-545-0600. See below for more information.
What I Bring To My Community:
Children and individuals with Down syndrome are valued members of their families and communities here in Pennsylvania, making meaningful contributions every day. Yet the vast majority of unborn children diagnosed of Down syndrome are aborted. In countries like Iceland, nearly 100% of children in the womb given this diagnosis are aborted.
New Pennsylvania legislation would stop any child from being aborted solely due to a diagnosis of possible Down syndrome. To aid this legislation, we want to share with elected officials and the general public the value people with Down syndrome bring to their family and community.
Photo Series Details:
Requirements: Entry may be submitted by an individual with Down syndrome or a family member. Items requested are:
1) A recent photo,
2) First name and where you’re from, and
3) A brief written response answering the question, “What do you bring to your community?”
We will plan to publish each person’s first name and where they are from. Preference for this project is that you reside in Pennsylvania.
This photo series will be posted online at and used in a photo gallery at the PA State Capitol.
How to submit: Email Dan at
Questions: Call 717-545-0600, email or visit