Some in Pennsylvania try to argue that by commercializing marijuana, the use of synthetic cannabis and other natural opioids would decrease. But the international evidence squashes those hopes.
When you think about ‘marijuana,’ you probably immediately think about ‘smoking a joint.’ But legalizing marijuana will be far more than that.
Lt. Governor John Fetterman has said, “we should go full-on Colorado” in fully legalizing marijuana here in Pennsylvania. That would mean another Big Tobacco industry marketing and bringing harm to more children and families here in Pennsylvania. Here’s why – just look a little closer at Colorado.
Former United States Congressman and co-founder of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), Patrick Kennedy, released an open letter to lawmakers in states currently considering legislation to “legalize” the use of marijuana and facilitate its commercialization. “[T]he commercialization of marijuana is a policy that results in devastating consequences for public health and safety.”
Listen to people who know what drugs do, not people who want to sell them (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/19/22)
New push for legal weed uses old tactics (Broad and Liberty, 10/21/21)
Why is science not Gov. Wolf’s guide for marijuana policy? (Broad and Liberty, 2/8/21)
Ten Reasons Why PA Should Not Go “Full-On Colorado” with Marijuana
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