Saturday, May 21, 2016
Pittsburgh Marriott North, Cranberry Township, PA
6:30 p.m.
Featuring: Chief Kelvin J. Cochran
Kelvin J. Cochran was fired because of his Christian faith. His reaction to this injustice is stunning, and a lesson for us all.
A decorated firefighter and executive, Chief Cochran reached the pinnacle of his profession. Yet, despite his supreme professionalism and integrity, he was suspended and then terminated last year from his job as Fire Chief for the Atlanta Fire Department. His infraction: authoring a Bible study for men that included God’s design for sex and marriage.
Chief Cochran was our guest for our Friends of the Family Banquet in Hershey last October and the response to hearing his testimony was tremendous. “Chief Cochran was encouraging. It was refreshing to hear his positive Biblical approach to political injustice.”
Mark this event on your calendar! You won’t want to miss Kelvin Cochran’s inspiring message of hope, courage and conviction in the face of trial and persecution, and find out how Pennsylvania Family Institute is fighting every day for your religious freedom, for the sanctity of life, and for marriage & family!
Click here sponsorship or ticket information, or please call the Pennsylvania Family Institute at 1-800-FAMILY-1.