On June 30th, join us in celebrating Religious Freedom Day on the anniversary of our two Supreme Court victories! These landmark cases may never have happened had it not been for the generous support of individuals and families across Pennsylvania that allows the Independence Law Center to exist and offer pro-bono legal services.
We want to encourage you to celebrate these victories. That’s why we’re making Sunday, June 30th Religious Freedom Day, to mark the anniversary of these two wins and to help celebrate the importance of our religious freedom.

Gerald Groff – The Faithful Carrier
Last June, the Independence Law Center made history at the United States Supreme Court with the landmark unanimous decision for Lancaster County’s Faithful Carrier Gerald Groff, defending religious freedom in the workplace. This was a win for everyone and set a tremendous precedent for enhancing religious protections in our nation.
A most basic accommodation (WORLD Magazine – April 18, 2023) “Restoring our nation’s longstanding commitment to protecting its citizens from being forced out of their jobs because of their faith will continue to motivate everyone from the boardroom to the mailroom to find solutions that respect religious diversity and work for business as a whole. An America that respects everyone should not put religious adherents to the cruel choice of surrendering their religion or their job.”
The Hahn Family – Conestoga Wood Specialties
Ten years ago, on June 30, 2014, the Supreme Court announced its 5-4 decision in the Hobby Lobby / Conestoga Wood Specialties case, granting a victory for First Amendment freedoms against the federal government’s contraceptive drug coverage mandate. Conestoga is a wonderful company in Lancaster County owned and run by a Christian family who stood for religious freedom and the sanctity of human life. Independence Law Center was honored to represent them in this important case.
Obamacare Among the Mennonites (National Review – May 1, 2014): “For pacifists like the Hahns, there’s a certain ridiculousness to the fight over the HHS mandate. What kind of serpentine line between the freedom of conscience and the rule of law could place opting out of military service in times of national emergency on the former side, and providing free abortifacient drugs and devices on the latter side? Certainly a government that can override conscientious objection to providing contraception can also override conscientious objection to taking up arms in defense of the country.”
Where can you celebrate Religious Freedom Day?
Anywhere! Whether it’s your church family taking time to pray during corporate worship, or talking about the importance of these cases with your family at the dinner table; wherever you are we encourage you to take time to celebrate and thank God for these victories.
If your church would like to recognize Religious Freedom Day, here’s a sample bulletin announcement:
Celebrating Religious Freedom: The Independence Law Center, a law firm offering pro-bono services in defense of First Amendment freedoms, is marking June 30th as a day to celebrate two important victories at the United States Supreme Court that enhanced our religious freedom (last year’s victory for Faithful Carrier Gerald Groff and marking ten years for the Hobby Lobby/Conestoga Wood Specialties victory). May we thank God for these victories and the many freedoms we can freely live out in our state and nation. For more about these two case victories and about Religious Freedom Day, visit pafamily.org/celebrate.
Support the Independence Law Center
Independence Law Center offers pro-bono legal services thanks to the generous support of individuals and families across Pennsylvania. To partner with this work with a financial contribution, click here.