HB 2135: Expanding Parole to Life Sentences
Overview Resources
- U.S. Standard
- Federal level (intro; page 1, paragraph 1; page 7)
- State Standard
- multiple states
- fewer prisoners – more lifers (p 1, paras 2-3)
- Pennsylvania
- Draconian laws – near-harshest in US (paras 5-6)
- Time for Justice: The Urgent Need for Second Chances in Pennaylvania’s Sentencing System
- multiple states
- Death by incarceration is cruel & unusual and destructive
- PA’s large lifer population financially punishes PA taxpayers (p 3 #2)
- Longer violent crime sentences before parole lower recidivism
- Creative lifers have proposed a workable parole extension plan
- PA’s LWOP population is 13+% compared to US 3+% (p 3 #1)
- Multiple successful parole reforms are available (p 4 recommendations)
- “Special circumstances” or abhorrent crimes disfavor parole
- No remorse / unyielding antisocial behavior justly negates mercy
- PA’s recidivism rates after release remain high