HB 1065: Four-Day Work Week Bill Page Glossary Overview Resources Four-day workweek – Wikipedia Federal Landscape Does the United States have a 4 Day Work Week? NEWS: Sanders Introduces Legislation to Enact a 32-Hour Workweek with No Loss in Pay Big Concept Resources 40 Hours: https://tldrify.com/1e1j Pros How to Actually Execute a 4-Day Workweek Results: https://tldrify.com/1e1e Four-day work week trial in Spain leads to healthier workers, less pollution Case Studies — 4 Day Week Global Cons Is the 4 Day Work Week a Good Idea? Difficulties: https://tldrify.com/1e1g Government Overreach Norms: https://tldrify.com/1e1i Legislative Search Tools PA Bill Tracking PA House Democrats PA Senate Democrats Video: House (Dem.) PA LegiScan PA House Republicans PA Senate Republicans Video: House (Rep.) National Conference of State Legislatures Share this:TweetShare on TumblrRedditEmailPrint