HB 891: Voter ID Constitutional Amendment
Overview Resources
Big Concept Resources
- It is needed to prevent voter fraud, it does not decrease voter turnout, and it is popular with voters.
- The Data: https://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/research/voter-id-constitutional-amendment/
- Restoring Trust: https://www.cityandstatepa.com/opinion/2023/01/passing-voter-id-can-help-restore-trust-elections/382283/
- Voters Opinion: https://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/commentary/2023/01/09/voter-id-pennsylvania/
- Heritage on Voter ID
- They are burdensome for many voters and target minorities.
- Opponents of requiring voter identification also argue that in-person voter fraud is rare.
- No Need: https://keystoneresearch.org/research_publication/voter-identification-in-pennsylvania/
- What’s So Bad about Voter ID
- Brennan Center Data