A first-hand account City on the Hill from alumni, Jacob Reese.
It’s not often that you are greeted by a stranger by name, but that’s precisely what happened to me when I arrived at City on the Hill 2021.
The minute I walked into my week-long home away from home, I was welcomed personally by all the staff by name with open arms. This simple yet profound greeting marked the beginning of an unparalleled journey of unforgettable experiences at City on the Hill (COTH).
I soon discovered that each element of COTH was deeply dedicated to holistically training me in the Christian worldview. From Radiance Foundation’s Ryan Bomberger to Life Training Institute’s Scott Klusendorf and PFI’s own Jeremy Samek, the speakers at City on the Hill dove into critical issues like racism, abortion, and privacy from a distinctly Christian perspective.
Informing my grasp of worldview principles, COTH also developed my skills to advance Christ-rooted solutions through an immersive legislative simulation. Throughout the week, I had the opportunity to organize a caucus, champion my own bill, and sit in the seat of legislators in committee rooms and on the House floor. COTH’s political process not only exposed me to the nuts and bolts of lawmaking but also catalyzed the growth of my communication, collaboration, and critical thinking abilities.
City on the Hill also poured into me spiritually. Hearing from Pastor Bill Devlin, a missionary to some of the most dangerous parts of the world, encouraged me to stand firm in my faith amidst an increasingly hostile culture. A panel discussion about Christianity in the public square highlighted models of political, cultural, and professional leaders who faithfully follow God in their callings. Devotions led by COTH staff concluded each evening. However, the most memorable moment of spiritual enrichment throughout the week was the spontaneous student-organized prayer gathering each morning. Waking up way before we had to, a number of students gathered to pray for the day before heading to breakfast.
This student-organized effort exemplifies the unparalleled Christ-centered community fostered at City on the Hill. At the beginning of the week, I knew one person attending the camp, but by COTH’s conclusion, I had built countless friendships. Having fun on ziplines, engaging in deep conversation over meals, debating the legislative strategy into the wee hours of the night, and collectively struggling to stay awake on the House floor the next day, the activities at COTH created genuine friendships that will last a lifetime; indeed, many of the fellow students I met at COTH remain close friends to this day. No other group or organization that I have been a part of has built so many friendships so quickly that have lasted so long.
Although I returned to COTH in 2022 for a second year of incredible speakers, challenging debates, spiritual enrichment, and fellowship with friends, my City on the Hill experience extended well beyond two weeks of camp in the summer. Indeed, COTH continues to impact my professional trajectory. The relationships forged at COTH with Pennsylvania Family Institute and Rep. Miller have translated into continuing sources of career guidance, network building, and support. City on the Hill, furthermore, helped orient my undergraduate studies and provided me with an instant network at Grove City College.
My time at City on the Hill was an unparalleled, unforgettable blessing that yields dividends to this day. Rooting me in Christian principles and equipping me with practical skills, the program prepared me to analyze, articulate, and advance sound, God-honoring policy. Surrounding me with a community of like-minded believers, COTH emboldened my Christian witness. Forging lasting friendships and professional connections, the camp guided my future trajectory and remains a profoundly influential force for good in my life.
If you are a Christian high school student from Pennsylvania seeking to defend your faith, impact culture, and engage in the political process, this is the camp for you. I cannot recommend it enough.