We can’t wait for the third annual Pennsylvania March for Life on Monday, October 16th in Harrisburg at our beautiful Capitol building. This event has been a highlight for the pro-life community in Pennsylvania and we trust that this year will be the best yet!
Whether you’re bringing a bus, organizing a group from your church, or just want to spread the word, find our downloadable promotional resources below.
Be sure to check back, as we plan to include even more!
- Map of march route, bus parking, and more!
- Save the date flyer
- Flyer with more details
- Postcard
- Slide
- Bulletin (B&W)
- Bulletin Insert Text: Save the Date for the Pennsylvania March for Life on Monday, October 16th, 2023, in Harrisburg, PA! It’s critical that we use our voices for the voiceless. To learn more about the event, register at pa.marchforlife.org. <Add info about your church’s plans to attend the PA March for Life> Contact <NAME> at <EMAIL/PHONE> for more information.