Planned Parenthood has covered up child sexual abuse for decades. Live Action has a new docuseries that exposes how Planned Parenthood helps sexual predators cover up their crimes with secret abortions, sending little girls back into the arms of their abusers.

Highlighted in this series is one of Planned Parenthood’s locations in Philadelphia, which is their single largest abortion center in Pennsylvania. This location on Locust Street in Philadelphia has failed 10 of their last 18 health inspections. And in 2013, they “failed to ascertain” if a minor was a victim of a crime and being sexually abused.

Here’s what the state found in their survey of this Philadelphia Planned Parenthood location on August 29, 2013:

“The facility cared for unmarried pregnant children under the age of 16 and the facility failed to ascertain if the child had sexual intercourse with an individual who was four or more years older than the child.”

“Patients listed as 13 year old or 14 year old pregnant showed no documentation that the facility ascertained if the child had sexual intercourse with an individual who was four or more years older than the child.”

“It was determined that medical records reviewed had documented evidence that sexual intercourse occurred with a child less than 13 years of age and the facility failed to show documented evidence that the facility reported the sexual intercourse to the appropriate authorities.”

This is the current law in Pennsylvania:

Sexual intercourse with a child less than 13 years of age is always a crime without regard to the age or relationship of the offender, and without regard to the “consent” of the child. Under Pennsylvania law, a child less than 13 years of age is incapable of consent to sexual intercourse.

Sexual intercourse with a child less than 16 years of age is a crime if the offender is four or more years older than the child, and the child and offender are not married to each other. Under Pennsylvania law, an unmarried individual less than 16 years of age is incapable of consent to sexual intercourse with a person who is four or more years older.

In 2013, the same year of this cover-up, this single Planned Parenthood location performed 5,658 abortions. Every year, Planned Parenthood performs half of the 30,000+ abortions in Pennsylvania.

We find no evidence that Planned Parenthood has lost a single dollar in taxpayer funding due to any failed inspection. Pennsylvania affiliates of Planned Parenthood continue to receive millions in taxpayer funding every year – over $21 million in their last four reporting cycles.

TAKE ACTION – Fund Women’s Health Care, Not Abortion

Senate Bill 300 and House Bill 1542 would reallocate funding away from entities providing abortion in Pennsylvania and invest in those providing better and more comprehensive women’s health care. Click here to use our Citizen Action Center to contact your State Senator and State Representative in support of this legislative effort.