Here are various resources and additional information about the issues discussed in the letter you received from Michael Geer:
Analysis of Governor Wolf’s Bathroom Bills:
- Religious Freedom concerns:
- Personal Privacy concerns:
- Facts – Business Climate:
- List of the Top Ten Best and Worst States related to nondiscrimination laws that include sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Source: Chief Executive
- List of the Top Ten Best and Worst States related to nondiscrimination laws that include sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Analysis of HB1948:
- Overview: Have compassion – End late-term and dismemberment abortions
- Op-Ed: Our son is the reason PA should update its quarter-century-old abortion law.
- Tom Shaheen – Takeaway from legislature on HB1948
- Barronelle Stutzman:
- Insights/Video: WA State Supreme Court oral arguments.
- Her story: Will you stand with Barronelle?
- Recap: Defend My Privacy rally – June 27, 2016
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