In a series of new videos released by Live Action, an OB/GYN who carried out over 1,200 abortions reveals what happens during each procedure.

The most common abortion procedure.

In Pennsylvania, over 29,000 1st trimester abortions happen every  year. The vast majority of these procedures – over 20,000 – are a surgical procedure known as suction curettage.

The barbaric practice of D & E – 2nd trimester abortion.

In 2014, there were over 1,500 Dilation and Evacuation (D & E) abortions carried out in Pennsylvania; covering virtually every abortion after the 1st trimester. This barbaric procedure has already been banned in Kansas and Oklahoma (barring court challenge) with several other states considering the ban.

As Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy offered, the baby aborted in this procedure “can survive for a time while its limbs are being torn off.”

The horrors of late-term abortions.

Even though Pennsylvania law, for decades now, has not permitted abortions beyond 24 weeks, only recently were safeguards put in place to make sure abortion clinics are inspected and properly regulated. Before this happened, state abortion clinics were going without inspection; allowing someone like abortionist Kermit Gosnell to carry on horrific practices; such as late-term abortions.

What is the Abortion Pill?

The latest reports show in Pennsylvania record number of non-surgical abortions are taking place; accounting for nearly 10,000 abortions every year. Learn more about what a 1st trimester medical/chemical abortion looks like (pill containing Mifepristone or RU-486):

You can also watch an interview with Dr. Anthony Levatino answering questions like, Is abortion medically necessary? or, What should we know about the abortion pill? For these and more, visit

D&E Abortion