The Pennsylvania Family Institute is thrilled to announce that Eric Metaxas, the best-selling author, entertaining radio host and inspiring cultural commentator will join us as the keynote speaker at our 2015 Friends of the Family Banquet this fall.  We hope you’ll consider joining us, and even sponsoring a table!

– Save the Date –

2015 Friends of the Family Banquet

Friday evening, October 30

Hershey, Pennsylvania

Get details and sponsorship information here.

Eric is an astounding public speaker and skilled writer.  His compelling biographies of William Wilberforce and Dietrich Bonhoeffer give hope to all of us that God can use each one of us to achieve great things for the cause of Christ and the betterment of society.  Also joining us will be special guest, Kelvin Cochran, former chief of the Atlanta Fire and Rescue Department, who will share his amazing story of standing tall under persecution.

The theme of this year’s banquet is “Our Wilberforce Moment,” recognizing the critical opportunities that have arisen for us to boldly stand, as William Wilberforce did, for the value of every human life, including those not protected in law or recognized as persons.

We hope to see you with us on Friday, October 30th! For tickets or sponsorship information, click here or go to
