The Supreme Court’s decision to redefine marriage has staggering implications for religious freedom, and the ability for individuals and businesses, religious schools and ministries to freely operate in accordance with their faith convictions.
Is there anything that can be done proactively here in Pennsylvania against these implications? Yes – see below for various resources to help get you started.
*** To implement any of these protections, we invite you to contact our legal team at the Independence Law Center who welcome guiding you, free of charge, through what protections may be needed for your unique circumstance: just call 717-657-4990 or fill out an online form here.
Church Resources:
Membership Model Agreement Policy
Legal Guide: Protecting Your Ministry
School Resources:
Legal Guide: Protecting Your School
Business Resources:
Statement of Faith – Business owners who wish to insulate their business from claims alleging discrimination on the basis of sexual behavior or sexual-identity confusion should include a statement of faith in their articles of incorporation.
For additional information, visit the Alliance Defending Freedom’s website