by Tom Shaheen
This year’s March for Life theme is 40=55M.
40 years of abortion-on-demand in these United States have brought us 55 million babies aborted since the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision overturning state abortion laws.
Hundreds of thousands will march in Washington D.C. today to reflect on the tragic 1973 court decision. But in cities and ‘burgs all across America, pro-life citizens and churches continue to reach out to support pregnant young women and babies in their communities, while others fight for the Right to Life in our state capitols .
The Pennsylvania Family Institute/Council is privileged to be a voice for the unborn and for families in the halls of Pennsylvania’s capitol, but only because of the financial and prayer support of families and businesses and because of God’s grace!
Today, let’s all remember what President Ronald Reagan wrote in 1986 in his Sanctity of Human Life Day proclamation:
“Respect for the sanctity of human life has not died in America. Far from it. With every passing year it shines ever more brightly in the hearts of more and more of our citizens as they come to see the issue with greater clarity in all of its dimensions. As we carry this message to our courts, our legislatures, and our fellow citizens, let us never be discouraged. … May we soon rejoice in the day when reverence for human life is enshrined as surely in our laws as in our hearts.”