For Immediate Release
Harrisburg, December 14, 2011
Pennsylvania Family Institute today praised the Pennsylvania House and Senate for the overwhelming passage of SB 732, a common-sense bill that would put abortion clinics under the same health and safety guidelines that all other outpatient surgical centers must meet. The bill passed the Senate today 32-18, and by 151-44 margin in the House yesterday.
“We congratulate Rep. Matt Baker and Sen. Bob Mensch for their leadership in bringing this important legislation to final passage” said Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, “and we look forward to Gov. Corbett’s promised signature on the bill.”
Pennsylvania suffered a severe black eye when a Philadelphia grand jury released its report on the Women’s Medical Society abortion center in West Philadelphia, detailing accounts of murdered women, gruesome conditions inside, and “countless” babies being delivered alive and then killed, not to mention the many deaths of babies by late-term abortions.
The report, issued nearly 12 months ago, also recounted years of inaction by city and state government officials, who turned a blind eye not only to Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors,” but also to the abortion industry throughout Pennsylvania. More than 15 years passed without a single inspection of an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania.
“The grand jury report stated that customers of nail salons had more protections under Pennsylvania law than did women at abortion centers. That special protection for the abortion industry was wrong, it led to many deaths, and finally now is being addressed,” added Geer.
The Pennsylvania Family Institute also salutes the courage of Rep. Margo Davidson (D-Delaware County), who after yesterday’s House vote on SB 732, dedicated her “yes” vote on the bill to the memory of her cousin, Semika Shaw, one of Gosnell’s victims. Said Rep. Davidson:
Today I honor her memory by voting yes on this legislation, that seeks to safeguard the health of women, that is long overdue, so that never again will a woman walk into a licensed health care facility in the State of Pennsylvania and be butchered as she was. Today I thank the members of this House that supported this legislation for the safety of women.”
We, too, thank the members of the House and Senate who voted for SB 732, and all of the concerned citizens who raised their voice in support of protecting life.