From our friends at the Family Research Council:
The Obama administration put a bow on its efforts to radicalize other countries on the issue of homosexuality. In their observance of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made it clear where their “human rights” priorities lie. In keeping with the anniversary, the White House issued a “Presidential Memorandum” directing “all agencies engaged abroad” to promote the homosexual and transgender agenda.
No one should be persecuted because of their sexual orientation and I would not appreciate my tax dollars going to any country that does. I applaud the Obama administration for extending this measure to protect the rights of All Human Beings. I was raised a Roman Catholic and am heterosexual however I am also a compassionate person who believes that others should live their lives as they see fit. So I again Praise President Obama for being a leader who will do the right thing for all the citizens of the United States whatever their sexual orientation.