Independence Law Center Files Brief with
Pa. Supreme Court in Landmark Abortion Case
The Independence Law Center is busy—even during the Christmas season—working to bring positive change to our culture.
For more than two decades, Pennsylvania law has prohibited a girl under age 18 from having an abortion without the consent of one of her parents. However, there is an exception if a judge decides that a girl is adequately mature to give consent to an abortion or if a judge decides that an abortion is in a girl’s best interest. The intent was to create a rare exception that would comply with what the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings. In practice, however, this “exception” has been used as a rubber stamp to approve almost every request for an abortion by a minor. In fact, it is so rare for a court to deny an abortion that, up until now, no case of this sort has ever been appealed to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
The Independence Law Center, on behalf of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, and scores of legislators, has just filed an amici brief with the Court seeking to uphold the original purposes of Pennsylvania’s abortion law, including the protection of pregnant minors and the children they carry.
We have experienced nearly four decades of unspeakable tragedy for the unborn and for those who come to regret their decision. It is our hope that this brief will help the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and be one more step toward protecting the lives of the unborn and preventing our daughters from experiencing the horrors of abortion.
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