I’m excited to announce we just confirmed Dr. Peter Lillback and Dr. Paul Kengor to speak at our City On The Hill Youth Leadership and Worldview Conference, July 25-31. Dr. Lillback is author of the Amazon #1 book, George Washington’s Sacred Fire and is president of Westminster Seminary. He and his book were recently featured on the Glenn Beck program on the Fox News Channel. We plan to open his City On The Hill lecture to the public.

That same day at City On The Hill (July 27), we’ll feature Dr. Paul Kengor, Political Science professor at Grove City College, and author of the bestseller God & Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life. Dr. Kengor will be speaking to the City On The Hill attendees on the topic:

“The Nuts and Bolts on Communism, Socialism, and Progressivism: Or—What You Need to Learn In School, But Probably Aren’t and Won’t.”

Applications to City On The Hill are still being accepted. Find out more at www.pafamily.org/coth.php. The biblical worldview and leadership camp is aimed at high-school students (included graduated seniors) ages 15-18.