Planned Parenthood’s Sex-Ed Bill Passes Committee -14-11
On Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 9:00am, the House Education Committee is passed with a vote of 14-11, House Bill 1163, a bill that was written and promoted by a coalition headed by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. These are the same folks who routinely attack abstinence-until-marriage, parental rights and religion.
House Bill 1163, sponsored by Rep. Chelsa Wagner (D-Pittsburgh), would mandate that schools teach so-called “comprehensive” sex education and mandate state funding for this curriculum. Translate: They want our schools to teach and promote birth control methods, including condom lessons, and the idea that premarital sex is okay.
The bill was amended in committee to give some say to local school districts but they are still forced to choose from a state-approved list of sex education programs. Worse, the bill’s sponsor admitted that Abstinence-Until-Marriage programs would NOT qualify!
Now that the committee passed this bill, it’s on to a vote by the full state House of Representatives. Children – and parents – deserve better!
What You Can Do – Login to our Citizen Action Center!
1. Tell your own State Representative to oppose HB 1163. We don’t need Planned Parenthood-style teaching in our schools. Schools don’t need any more state mandates. Taxpayers want better schools, not condom lessons. Children and parents deserve better.
2. Send the House Education Committee members a message. Thank the members who voted No on the bill. And express your disappointment with those who voted Yes and ask them to change their vote when the bill comes up before the full House.
Legislators Voting No:
Rep Mark Longietti
Rep John Pallone
Rep Paul Clymer
Rep Will Tallman
Rep Thomas Quigley
Rep Kathy Rapp
Rep Bryan Cutler
Rep Mike Fleck
Rep Thomas Murt
Rep Mike Reese
Rep Todd Rock
Legislators Voting Yes:
Rep James Roebuck, Jr
Rep Richard Grucela
Rep Barbara McIlvaine Smith
Rep John Yudichak
Rep Mike Carroll
Rep Scott Conklin
Rep Lawrence Curry
Rep Patrick Harkins
Rep Michael O’Brien
Rep Chelsa Wagner
Rep Jake Wheatley
Rep Rosita Youngblood
Rep Duane Milne
Rep Bernie O’Neill
Not Voting:
Rep Ken Smith