From Lifesite News:

Louisville KY– Another abortion business has been caught on tape attempting to cover up a potential case of sexual abuse of a minor girl. A Louisville, Kentucky abortion center is the latest caught on an undercover videotape ignoring sexual abuse of a child and giving misleading abortion counseling.

Live Action, a pro-life group led by college students, released another in a long line of videos showing problems at Planned Parenthood and other abortion centers nationwide.

The new footage today comes from EMW Women’s Surgical Center and has Lila Rose and actor Jackie Stollar, who posed undercover as a minor with Rose telling the staff that she was 14-years-old and impregnated by her 31-year-old “boyfriend”.

In the video, an EMW Women’s Surgical Center named Wendy determines that Rose is “14 to 15-weeks pregnant” and that an abortion at that point in pregnancy would cost over $1,000.

Read Full Story Here.