We at Pennsylvania Family Institute have long challenged the establishment of school-based clinics for three big reasons: 1) they facilitate and encourage teen sexual activity, which is not healthy; 2) they distribute contraceptives and present them as a fail-safe, when they are nothing of the sort; and 3) they invariably trample on parental rights to guide and direct the upbringing of their children.

Case in point in today’s news, from KOMO news in Seattle:

SEATTLE — The mother of a Ballard High School student is fuming after the health center on campus helped facilitate her daughter’s abortion during school hours.

The mother, whom KOMO News has chosen to identify only as “Jill,” says the clinic kept the information “confidential.”

When she signed a consent form, Jill figured it meant her 15 year old could go to the Ballard Teen Health Center located inside the high school for an earache, a sports physical, even birth control, but not for help terminating a pregnancy.

Read more here.