Several members of Pennsylvania’s Democrat delegation to Congress call themselves “pro-life.” All but two of them caved in, and voted for the Obamacare bill, which includes abortion funding.
Here is the list of self-identified “pro-life” democrats who voted for the bill, which will use taxpayer funds for abortion. Call them to let them know your thoughts:
Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper: Dist 3 (814) 456-2038 or (202) 225-5406
Rep. Chris Carney: Dist 10 (866) 846-8124 or (202) 225-3731
Rep. Paul Kanjorski: Dist 11 (570) 825-2200 or (202) 225-6511
All Republicans voted NO on the bill. Of the Democrats, only Rep. Tim Holden and Rep. Jason Altmire voted NO.
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