A few summers ago we offered to legislators and their staff members at the Capitol the opportunity to go through The Truth Project. A small group met for 13 weeks and we had some great discussions about biblical worldview and the truth claims of God.

There are 203 members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. When this large group meets together in Harrisburg, they head to the House Chamber of the Capitol. Enshrined on one of the walls here is John 8:32:

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Truth, fundamentally, is about who God is. The Truth Project defines truth simply as “that which conforms to reality” but it dives much deeper into that definition during the study: 

“The “truth” is God’s truth, as set forth supremely and most definitively in the Bible – and we regard this truth to be absolute in the sense that it cannot be compromised and is not open to purely subjective interpretation. Ultimately, we cannot dissect the truth; we can only proclaim it.”

To have discussions about the truth claims of God in the Capitol was a great experience. We now pray that these truth claims will continue to be discussed in the Capitol and discussed by the full body of State Representatives.

Click here for a complete list of members of our Pennsylvania State House of Representatives.

Please pray for all of our State Representatives. Pray that they will know and proclaim the truth. Pray for their families and their marriages that they may be strengthened.  

Pray that God will grant to them “the power to discern clearly right from wrong, and allow all [their] words and actions to be governed thereby, and by the laws of this land” (Dwight D. Eisenhower).

Next: Prayer for our State Court System


Day2Pray is simply an encouragement to intentionally set aside time to pray, wherever you are, for our state, our nation and the leaders elected to serve us.

  • To sign up for a time slot(s) and intentionally set aside time to pray, click here.
  • For prayer lists, click here.
  • For information on a Prayer Conference Call on the 15th, click here.