Each December, it thrills my heart to see the annual display of a Christmas tree in our magnificent state capitol rotunda, set for official lighting (and live simulcast to troops overseas this year) on Dec. 12th. And wow! Imagine our surprise that the traditional handcrafted ornaments include designs with crosses, that’s right, crosses! We can still remember the controversy a few years back that was stirred up by the anti-Christmas killjoys over cross ornaments under the cry of “separation of church and state.” Here’s to religious liberty in the commonwealth founded by William Penn! HANDCRAFTED ORNAMENTS DONATED FOR CAPITOL CHRISTMAS TREE BY SENIOR CENTERS
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
– Isaiah 6:9
It’s about time we take a step in the right direction.
BTW: Thanks for the Scripture verse–I was looking for a good Christmas message to put on my answering machine!!
Simply amazing. I was in Harrisburg just last week for meeting right across the street form the capital building. Having arrived an hour early, I decided to go into the capital building just to walk around a bit to take in the beauty of the architecture and murals. I had not been in that building since my Cub Scout days … 47 years ago!!
What struck me are the prolific references to God, Providence, Faith and so on. I knew it was there, but had forgotten how prominent it really is. Forty seven years ago, we just took that stuff for granted. I then tried to put myself in the shoes of today’s average, typical public high school student with a “contemporary” world view. I had to wonder if my reaction might have been, “what’s all this GOD stuff… isn’t that illegal?”
Let us never take for granted the principles and foundation of faith on which our of government is founded. One need only read William Penn’s “Frame of Government for Pennsylvania” (April 25, 1682) to appreciate that. Penn’s opening statement, “When the great and wise God had made the world, of all his creatures, it please Him to choose man His deputy to rule it; and to fit him for so great a charge and trust, He did not only qualify him with skill and power, but with integrity to use them justly.” Penn then goes on to illustrate how the fall of man ushered in the need for the reproof and correction of just law in a “judicial administration.”
Hmmm… I wonder if that is being taught in high school?
Simply amazing. I was in Harrisburg just last week for meeting right across the street form the capital building. Having arrived an hour early, I decided to go into the capital building just to walk around a bit to take in the beauty of the architecture and murals. I had not been in that building since my Cub Scout days … 47 years ago!!
What struck me are the prolific references to God, Providence, Faith and so on. I knew it was there, but had forgotten how prominent it really is. Forty seven years ago, we just took that stuff for granted. I then tried to put myself in the shoes of today’s average, typical public high school student with a “contemporary” world view. I had to wonder if my reaction might have been, “what’s all this GOD stuff… isn’t that illegal?”
Let us never take for granted the principles and foundation of faith on which our of government is founded. One need only read William Penn’s “Frame of Government for Pennsylvania” (April 25, 1682) to appreciate that. Penn’s opening statement, “When the great and wise God had made the world, of all his creatures, it please Him to choose man His deputy to rule it; and to fit him for so great a charge and trust, He did not only qualify him with skill and power, but with integrity to use them justly.” Penn then goes on to illustrate how the fall of man ushered in the need for the reproof and correction of just law in a “judicial administration.”
Hmmm… I wonder if that is being taught in high school?