The day a life was saved

Dec 31, 2015 | 0 comments

On May 22, 2015, Randall Wenger and Jeremy Samek – attorneys with our Independence Law Center – were in court on behalf of a pregnant 14-year-old, seeking a judge’s order to stop an abortion the girl‘s mom was pressuring her to get.

Randy and Jeremy with court orderBy God’s grace, they were successful; receiving the order they sought and for which many of our supporters were praying. This order protects the right of this 14-year-old pregnant mother to choose to keep her baby, despite her mom’s demand that she get an abortion. Pictured at right are Randy and Jeremy with the order.

The Independence Law Center legal team sprung into action on behalf of this girl, who had already been taken to an abortion clinic by her mom for the mandatory pre-abortion counseling. This young lady connected first with a pregnancy care center and then with us to receive the help she wanted and needed.

Unfortunately, in this case, the young girl ended up deciding with her mother to eventually receive an abortion. But this case reminded us of another 14-year-old girl that had an abortion scheduled by her parents for the next day — but by God’s grace we were able to intervene and stop that abortion from happening. Now there’s a three-year-old boy running around with his mother (and grandparents now happy that he lived!).

Independence Law Center – the legal affiliate of the Pennsylvania Family Institute – provides urgent attention to help any girl stand up for her rights and the rights of her unborn child (something that was needed multiple times in 2015). The legal team makes it known to all area abortion clinics, at the girl’s approval, that she is being coerced into having an abortion and to not dare kill her child or face legal ramifications.

If you are someone who is being coerced into having an abortion, or you know someone who is, please call the Independence Law Center at 717-657-4990.

This urgent response to save a life from abortion is made possible because of the generosity of individuals and families across Pennsylvania. Please consider a year-end, tax-deductible contribution to today. Click here to make a secure online donation to the Pennsylvania Family Institute.

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