On March 26th, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Perry case, which will determine if Proposition 8 – the citizens initiative approved by the people of California in 2008 to protect marriage – is constitutional or not. More importantly, the question of same-sex “marriage” and the right of Americans to protect marriage will be decided.

It is imperative that political leaders, the media, and the culture see that we care about protecting marriage enough to stand up and march for it.

The Pennsylvania Family Council is sponsoring one bus to travel from Lancaster the morning of the march. For more details and to sign up, click here.

The March is being organized by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) alongside a broad coalition of pro-family organization, state partners, African-American, Latino, Catholic and Protestant leaders. Planned speakers include Gary Bauer, Bishop Harry Jackson, Dr. Robert George, Penny Nance and Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone.

Here’s the schedule of events for the March on Tuesday, March 26th:

  • 8:30am – Gather at the National Mall location between 10th Street and 12th Street NW & between Madison Drive NW and Jefferson Drive SW
  • 9:30am – March to Supreme Court and then return to the National Mall location.
  • 11:00am – 1:00pm – Rally begins at National Mall location.


Would you please consider the following:


  1. Attend the Marriage March on the 26th.
    1. To sign up for the Lancaster bus, click here. For details, contact us at 717-545-0600.
    2. If you’re able to put together another group/bus to attend the march, let us know how we may be able to help in your effort.
    3. If you’re unable to attend, consider passing the invitation along to others who may be able to.
  2. Pray for the Supreme Court hearing on the definition of marriage and for those planning to attend the march.


Month of March for Marriage

Protecting families to preserve the future.
